Friday, January 3, 2014

Part 1

Time Travel can have many definitions, but let's just use the 80's movie "Back to the Future" as a standard.  There are those that have claimed to have time traveled and some have even provided evidence with a photo or video.  That is not quite enough to convince me, at least for now.  Why?  Here is my issue:  How did they get back?  What technology did they use in the "past" to get them back exactly where they left off?  And if so, we currently have a solid knowledge of our past history, and nothing has "changed/disappeared".  But here's a thought:  What if multiple realities exists?  If multiple realities exists, then there are multiple "me's" and multiple "you's" living on other planes of existences right now.  But how is that possible if time is continually moving and there appears to be only one physical plane of existence?  We know that our universe is about fourteen and a half billion years old, and counting.  That we know is pretty certain, so we can conclude that "time" does exists, at least in our physical universe.  But what if "time" does not exist outside of our physical universe and not in spiritual dimensions?  This could open up a universe of worms if this is possible.

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